Mama to two wild boys, nature lover & hobby finder extraordinaire :)

Hey, I’m Sally!

(she / her)

My boys are 22 months apart, which basically means I’m still catching up on sleep. But those early exhausting days helped me realize something...

When I was overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with all the things expected of modern moms, photography became this one, clear window into something I couldn’t see in my day to day. It showed me the calm, happy moments that I definitely wasn’t feeling in real time.

everythingness of parenthood

Let's get the ball rolling.

I love my family more than anything. And I hope that if you’re also feeling stretched thin by the all-encompassing everythingness of parenthood, your images will help you recognize the beauty that makes it all worth it. (And the caffeine that makes it all possible.)

Okay, but also, sometimes I have a hard time not saying exactly what I’m feeling, especially about motherhood. I’m not over here pretending it’s all cotton candy and unicorns. I’ll tell you my parenting horror stories and you can tell me yours. Deal?

...That kids have big emotions and should be given the space to speak up for themselves

...That I usually start thinking about what to make for dinner an hour too late

...That a day outside in the woods or the back garden does wonders for everyone’s mood

...That sometimes I pretend to sleep until my husband gets up with the kids because I nursed these babies for two and a half years and deserve some sleep, dammit

...That your photos don’t need to be perfect … they simply need to be true to you

I Know...

When you squeeze your eyes shut and think about what you love best about your family, what would you like to remember? I’d love to work with you to customize a photo session that fits your family. 

I’ve photographed families across central Michigan and beyond.

For the past three years

“This session with Sally helped me see my family’s ordinary life from a different, beautiful perspective. I didn’t see the dirty dishes in the sink. I saw my daughter’s expression at one of the surprise last blooms of the summer. I didn’t see a divorced family. I saw friends supporting their son’s challenge and enjoying his success, together.” 
- Jess H.

what clients are saying

So that’s what I’m about. I want to hear about your family now.

You know what your kids WON’T remember? 
The time everyone got dressed up and stood in a field at sunset.

So let’s do something totally different!

©2022 Sally Rudy photography | privacy policy | terms & conditions | template DESIGN BY THE BUFFALO COLLECTIVE | template Customization by octavia elease designs

©2022 Sally Rudy photography | privacy policy |
terms & conditions | template DESIGN BY THE BUFFALO COLLECTIVE | template Customization by octavia elease designs